Youtube is your free career counselor, use it.

Everyday we use youtube, see many videos. What if those videos can help you find your passion in life?

Now whatever we watch is because we find that video fascinating.

For example i personally watch a lot of videos about space and even aeroplanes.

This whatever I watch is where my passion lies. Now i need to find where and how can i gind work in that sector.

We are often lost during the days of our school and have no idea whatsoever to do and not to do, what career choices to make.

There is also lack of inspiration and direction, that youth find very hard to tackle.

There are certain channels on youtube that can help you in these areas, like tedx, ted talks, josh talks in india and many more, such channels are constantly bringing out talents from across the globe and gives them a platform to share their stories about how and what they did that made them successful.

This can be an excellent guide and many people are getting inspired from such channels. I am not so famous but to start writing on WordPress and expressing myself out is one of the things that I learnt from tedx.

We dont even know about many things that are around us and if we use those resources we could do wonders but just because of less knowledge about them we arnt getting the best from life. Tedx like channels also help people to know about these.

If ever you dont have a guide to look up to and you think that its too early to go to a career counselor, then have a look at your youtube history.

Find what are the videos that you saw and saw with full enthusiasm, try those things in your head and google everything about it. if you are really fascinated about it, go ahead and give it a shot, and one thing you will really see and listen to in those videos of all the successful people is that you dont have to ever give up, cuz there are times in each and every persons life where they stoop so low that they can’t even match eyes with themselves, but they refuse to give up. They refuse to say i quite or that i have lost. They fight and they fall down, but they refuse to stay down again and again they stand up and at last they win….

Before giving up just keep this in mind that you have came so far and now when your journey to success is almost reached, you are forfeiting the travel.

What if success is just that one step away that you refuse to take, and quit. While the other person gathers the courage, takes that extra stride and…..wins.

Always remember

Any battle is not won by the fastest or strongest guy, but sooner or later the one who wins is the one who thinks he can“-anonymous

For more queries comment below and. Follow me on Instagram. Drop a message there.

By- yagya saklani (ig@yagya_18)